Water pump systems don’t last forever and eventually they need to be replaced with newer, more efficient models. Understandably, many building supervisors and facility managers try to eke as much out of their pump systems as possible, but there comes a time when the risk of catastrophic failure outweighs the benefits of nursing your old pump along. Pushing the system until it dies completely only leaves you with a building without water, angry building occupants, and the heightened cost of an emergency purchase and installation. If any of the following conditions apply to your water pump system, it’s probably time to replace it.

  1. Aging Out

    A fifteen-year-old water pump is an old water pump, and much like the human body, old age has its negative effects. Maintenance becomes a constant issue, with new problems developing all the time. The amount of effort you put into the system begins to feel like a losing battle.

    Ideally, replace your water pump before age-related problems develop. Even a thirteen-year-old pump will start to show signs of age that no amount of careful maintenance can fend off forever.

     What kind of problems afflict old water pumps? Low pressure and pressure spikes are common, causing urinals to spit water and creating noisy groaning pipes. Your reports may show one pump accounting for more run hours than another, which may or may be correct depending on how the system is aging. Burning smells and small, cumulative problems also suggest it’s time to take action.

  2. Unobtainable Parts

    The older your water pump, the more difficult it is to locate the parts and components you need for proper maintenance and repairs. Periodically check the availability of replacement parts for your system even if your pump is running perfectly right now. If you’re unable to find parts quickly when a problem does arise, you run the risk of serious delays in repair work.
  3. Rust and Leaks

    Rust is almost inevitable when a working system combines water with metal parts, and is the bane of water pump maintenance. Some rust levels are acceptable if they don’t affect system performance, but when oxidation leads to multiple leaks or bolts so corroded they break when you try to remove them, it’s time for a new system.

    Make future water pump replacement part of your long-term facilities plan. You know it’s a cost you’ll have to pay eventually, so better to prepare for the expense while your pump is operating properly. Otherwise, you’re going to have a serious problem when it fails. 


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